SA70 8 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SA70 8 is a postcode sector in Pembrokeshire, UK. Below is a complete list of SA70 8 Postcodes (Active). SA70 8 postcode sector comprises of 216 active postcodes. SA70 8 sector has a population of 6116, and it has 2570 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SA70 8 postcode sector

SA70 8 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6116
Addresses / Property Count 2570
Active Postcodes 216
Nearby Postcode Districts 52
Nearby Postcode Sectors 2

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showing 0-50 of 216 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SA70 8AA 51.67408300 -4.70251100 24 37 213234 200716
SA70 8AB 51.67530800 -4.70361100 23 45 213163 200855
SA70 8AD 51.67588500 -4.70471800 11 15 213089 200922
SA70 8AE 51.67681900 -4.70477400 10 17 213089 201026
SA70 8AF 51.67488100 -4.70300700 10 18 213203 200806
SA70 8AG 51.67720600 -4.70243900 2 3 213252 201063
SA70 8AH 51.67436300 -4.70248600 4 9 213237 200747
SA70 8AP 51.67508100 -4.70249800 17 29 213239 200827
SA70 8AQ 51.68087300 -4.70371300 1 2 213179 201474
SA70 8AR 51.67614100 -4.70299700 15 22 213209 200946
SA70 8AS 51.67658000 -4.70269100 5 5 213232 200994
SA70 8AT 51.68012100 -4.70116400 16 34 213352 201384
SA70 8AU 51.68156300 -4.70104700 4 11 213366 201544
SA70 8AX 51.65502000 -4.81153000 N/A N/A 205616 198881
SA70 8AY 51.69306700 -4.82150000 N/A N/A 205090 203138
SA70 8BA 51.67855100 -4.77162400 7 17 208475 201392
SA70 8BB 51.67797700 -4.70526000 N/A N/A 213060 201156
SA70 8BD 51.68768200 -4.71419000 N/A N/A 212483 202258
SA70 8BE 51.69147400 -4.71084200 N/A N/A 212730 202671
SA70 8BG 51.67479800 -4.70932300 13 37 212766 200813
SA70 8BH 51.67561500 -4.71055800 24 70 212684 200907
SA70 8BJ 51.67435200 -4.71032400 7 18 212695 200766
SA70 8BL 51.67512400 -4.71161600 8 23 212609 200855
SA70 8BN 51.67467500 -4.71506100 9 47 212369 200814
SA70 8BP 51.67593200 -4.71358600 35 73 212476 200950
SA70 8BQ 51.67460700 -4.70983500 6 11 212730 200793
SA70 8BR 51.68459200 -4.74152400 N/A N/A 210581 201985
SA70 8BS 51.67602600 -4.71263700 52 101 212542 200958
SA70 8BT 51.67403600 -4.71620700 15 32 212287 200746
SA70 8BU 51.67454600 -4.71674300 1 5 212252 200804
SA70 8BW 51.65992900 -4.77683800 N/A N/A 208036 199335
SA70 8BX 51.67427500 -4.71794200 27 69 212168 200777
SA70 8BY 51.67518400 -4.71440900 4 9 212416 200869
SA70 8BZ 51.67542700 -4.71675300 4 18 212255 200902
SA70 8DA 51.67488700 -4.71829700 2 3 212146 200846
SA70 8DB 51.67581900 -4.71926600 42 93 212083 200952
SA70 8DD 51.67652700 -4.71466300 37 103 212404 201019
SA70 8DE 51.67644800 -4.71149300 43 109 212623 201002
SA70 8DG 51.67669400 -4.71139100 11 29 212631 201029
SA70 8DH 51.67702900 -4.71084500 5 16 212670 201065
SA70 8DJ 51.67680400 -4.71010900 7 16 212720 201038
SA70 8DL 51.67602900 -4.70938200 18 39 212767 200950
SA70 8DN 51.67802600 -4.71485600 18 38 212397 201186
SA70 8DP 51.67560200 -4.71505800 11 15 212373 200917
SA70 8DQ 51.67706300 -4.71251300 6 15 212555 201073
SA70 8DR 51.67410200 -4.72309600 2 4 211811 200771
SA70 8DS 51.69375900 -4.81741800 N/A N/A 205375 203204
SA70 8DT 51.67321100 -4.72117700 72 163 211940 200667
SA70 8DU 51.67161100 -4.71956200 2 4 212045 200485
SA70 8DW 51.67736500 -4.71578400 9 26 212330 201115
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